Video production projects for destinational promotion and investment campaigns…
Norfolk Island
Insprint was awarded a 2 stage video production contract for The Australian Government and Norfolk Island Tourism. We produced 2 short promotional films – one as a promotional video which remains prominent on the Norfolk Island Tourism Website homepage and one which was for a specific Australian Commonwealth grant to do with Living and Investment Opportunities on Norfolk Island.
Prior to the making of these short films, the Norfolk Island Government introduced changes to the island’s immigration laws which provides for easier access to Allow Australian and most New Zealand citizens to live, retire, work or invest in Norfolk Island. As part of that change to the laws, there was Commonwealth requirement to market the changes create education material for people to learn about those changes and opportunities. Insprint tendered for and was awarded the contract to not only produce video content, but to create adverts, ebooks and guidelines.
The promotional video can be viewed below for the Norfolk Tourism Promotional film. Â The ‘Live and Invest video is no longer online as it was a short campaign. Insprint produced the short films by arranging, shooting and editing all of the filmed sequences and graphics and animations in each production.